
#BookReview – The Bestseller She Wrote by Ravi Subramanian

Title: The BestSeller She Wrote 
Author: Ravi Subramanian 
Genre: Romance & Thriller
Publisher: Westland Ltd.
Release Date: 19th October 2015 
Format: Paperback 

Cover Design: Think WhyNot
Pages: 391 

Price: INR 295
Video: Check it out for more. Video

My rating: 4/5

It was a dream come true to receive an author signed book,
‘The Bestseller She Wrote’ by Ravi Subramanian, courtesy by Blogadda for the
book review. Thank you Blogadda. I was enthralled, a gift of Blogging. Here is
my honest review of the same.

Paperback king,  Aditya kapoor’s life is straight out of a
modern man’s fantasy. His literary stardom is perfectly balanced by a loving
wife and a spectacular career. With everything he touches turning to gold,
Aditya is on a winning streak.
Shreya Kaushik is a student with a heart full of ambition.
Young, beautiful and reckless, Shreya speaks her mind and obsessively chases
after what she wants. And what she wants is to be a bestselling author.
What happens when their worlds collide? Is it possible to
love two people at the same time? Can real ambition come in the way of blind
passion? Can trust once broken, be regained?

Master storyteller Ravi Subramanian delves into the glitzy
world of bestsellers and uncovers a risky dalliance between a superstar
novelist and his alluring protégé.

The Bestseller She Wrote is a combustible cocktail of Love,
Betrayal & Redemption.
The plot revolves around the dynamic Banker & hotshot
author, Aditya Kapoor, famous for his Thrillers in the writing world. He is a
happily married middle aged man blessed with a doting wife, Maya who sacrificed
all her whims at the cost of her husband’s success and a kid of six years,
His life is going smooth till he is trapped in a clandestine
extra marital affair with an ambitious management trainee stoic Shreya Kaushik,
of IIM, Bengaluru. She shares bed to attain her dreams.
Their first meeting starts with bitter arguments which
irritates Aditya but soon he is enamored by the beauty of the young,
attractive and sexy Shreya and they slip into a relationship. She is a great
schemer & she manipulates the opportunity at the maximum to achieve her
dream of becoming bestselling author under the reins of a best seller author.
Her ulterior motive is to climb the ladder to attain popularity in the literary
world and she finds Aditya, the most suitable one who is spellbound and caught
in the fire of passion.
Aditya’s smooth life comes to an end and his life is totally
perturbed and he is in a complete mess. Maya comes to know of the relationship
and she is completely devastated. The story takes a lot of twists and turns and
creates a great havoc in his personal and professional life and the shrewd
Shreya takes full advantage of the situation and she intensely persuades Aditya
to help her in publishing her debut novel. Aditya reads the motive behind the
adulterous relationship and tries to move out, but it’s not that easy for him
to come out unscathed. In the beginning, the story moves at a snail pace and it
mostly covers the romantic & sexual overtures of the duo, Aditya &
Shreya. Ravi has tried his hands for the first time on the genre romance and
till pages 150 or so, he goes very slow giving a view that the story is been
dragged, but after that the pace spruces up and the story unfolds with the
strong characters of the plot, Sanjay, a long-term friend of Aditya, Shreya,
Maya and Diana and their characters have been etched well. The climax of the
story is unexpected. Aditya is fixed in an emotional turmoil and his friend
Sanjay too plays against him but still he triumphs all the calamities and
finally the story has a happy ending after great upheavals and Shreya too
achieve her share of been the bestseller of her debut novel as promised by
Aditya. The aspiring authors will get a clue of publishing world and it can be
a great help for the novice.

How Aditya manages the pressures and emerges out
triumphantly, do grab a copy for yourself and indulge in reading.

I finished it off in just 36 hours, try your luck!

The author has for the first time in his career touched
genre, Romance and has tried his best and I am sure he can excel in his next
writing. I give him a rating 4/5 for his efforts. It is a pure melodrama and it
can bag great opportunity in Bollywood front.
I wish Mr.Ravi Subramanian all the best for his future

Ravi Subramanian, an alumnus of IIM Bengaluru, has spent two decades working his way up the ladder of power in the amazingly exciting and adrenaline-pumping world of global banks in India. The Bestseller She Wrote,  marks the beginning of a new era in his writing. This one is his first work in the genre of romance with a fair coating of thriller and suspense. His previous write ups are concentrated in the genre Thriller in a backdrop of finance and been a Banker, he has justified his writings.

His Accolades: Out of seven bestselling titles of his work, four have been award winners.

 If God was a Banker won him the Golden Quill readers choice award in 2008. He also won the Economist Crossword Book Award for The Incredible Banker in 2012.  “The Bankster”, released in 2012 won him the Crossword Book Award in 2013. In 2014, he won the Raymond Crossword book award for Bankerupt.

 The Bestseller She Wrote recently released is his 8th Book.
He lives in Mumbai with his wife, Dharini, and daughter, Anusha.

To know more about Ravi, do visit the undermentioned links:

  1. Ravi Subramanian’s Website:
  2. Facebook:
  3. Twitter: @subramanianravi
  4. Instagram: Ravi Subramanian on Instagram
  5. Blog:

I am reviewing ‘The Bestseller She Wrote’ by Ravi Subramanian as a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers
Participate now to get free books!


By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

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