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Are You Ready to Get a Pet

These days, off and on, I find ads of pet adoption. It is a new craze amongst people to adopt pets out of sympathy, or the rescuers bring in to their hostel till someone gets ready to adopt.

Being a pet lover, my heart cries for the pets who are abandoned by their masters. I won’t call them pet parents because parents cannot separate their child, be it a human child or a pet.

Why you bring in pets in your house when you are not ready for commitment for long years?

Before getting a pet, ask yourself – Are you ready for a pet?

To maintain a pet is a tough task. You have to be around to care for their needs and shower love.

Responsible Enough

Are you responsible enough to take charge of a pet? It is not day fun. You have to take the responsibility with utmost care that they are not neglected. You have to give time to them and take care of their daily needs, periodical check-ups, and grooming.

If you think you can give time, then believe only for the pet. Don’t go to show your status symbol or for exotic species to show off in public. Don’t buy them under someone’s pressure, if you have a feeling for them, then bring them in.

Long Commitment

Keeping a pet is not a one or two-month job; you require to be committed for a long tenure. I have observed that in the beginning, they give quality time to their pets, and after a few months, they get bored and start neglecting. Pets cannot express their feelings in words like us, but they develop close bonding with their masters, and sheer ignorance kills them.

Be ready to invest your long years with pet maintenance as a family member.

Expensive Affair

Keeping pet add an expense in your monthly expenditure. Consider the pet if you are not in a tight position and can take the financial responsibility of the pet quickly. It is an expensive affair to maintain because of their different needs – grooming, feeding, medical check-ups, and recreation.

Grooming Well

Many times, I have observed that the pets are not well-groomed by their masters. You have to be ready to give them a bath, shampoo for external infestation, getting their nails short, and haircut periodically. If you can do it all of yourself, well and good, else take them to pet grooming centers, they will take care of all if you are ready to part with a reasonable sum.

Talking to Pet

You have to indulge in conversation with your pet understanding their sign language. They yearn for human touch, and love and ignorance make them weird. Play games in open ground.

Proper Place

You require to carve an appropriate place for their nap, food, and rest. Allot a cozy corner of the house where they can enjoy the stay.

Medical Care

Visit Vets periodically for check-ups and vaccines. Vaccines should not be missed, and you should keep their emergency medicines in-store to help them in case of a medical emergency.

Stress Busters

Pets are said to be stress-busters, and the psychologists confirm. Involving with a pet gives you time to empty your mind from worries, and the bonding with the pet calms the senses. Go for a walk with your pet. Both will enjoy it.

Before getting a pet, assess the above points and think coolly – are you ready to invest your time, energy, money, and love on your pet?

If the answer is Yes, do bring in.

Never thing to shoulder off the responsibility by giving for adoption or estranging them.

Adopted Guy

The abandoned pets suffer a lot, and they are emotionally-wretched and never come back to normal in their life after being ditched by their masters.


By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

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