Content Writing Family Fatherhood Lifestyle Outlook

Gifts for Fathers #FathersDay #Relationships

After the celebration of the Mother’s Day, the kids start planning for the Father’s Day which this year arrives on 18th June 2017.

Mother too is overjoyed along with her children and suggests ideas of gifts and celebrations on this day.

I am not an exception…I too join them.

Even I’m an influencer among the children of my apartment and they gather at my place to discuss about gifts and celebrations.

A gift is a token of love, the price doesn’t matter much…what matters is the love and affection behind the gifts.

Fathers of all ages are dynamic and the spine & strength of a family and whole family depends on him but still we need to group them according to their age.

The choice differs from an individual to an individual and the factor of age matters much.

    1. Young Fathers: The gift of young fathers would be something swanky and up to date, trending in the market.
    • A Personalized Coffee Mug would be an ideal choice with his snap and name. He will be mesmerized with the gift and it can be put into use on daily basis and comfortable on the pockets of kids.
    • A Stylish Mobile Cover will be apt and useful for him.
    • A Wallet, Tie, Belt, Key ring & a Pen. It comes in a set or you can buy individually and wrap beautifully. He can use daily and the gift will make you kids recall many times in a day.
    • Personalized Cushion.
    • If he is a foodie, gift him a cake, carats of juices & treat him with his choice of foods.

These are enough for young father because young school going kids have budget limitations, so they can’t stretch much.

  1. Middle Aged Fathers: They too will enjoy the gifts trending in the market but they will have their own set of choices as in this age, they are free from child rearing and so they love to dwell sometime for himself or with their life partner.
    • Book a Spa for him in one of the best of your town. It will relieve him of stress and feel refreshed & rejuvenated. He will love the gift and you might get bonus treat in one of the fine restaurants of the town. Take help from Mommy to decide best for him. It will be a bit heavy on your pockets but it won’t make a hole. Take Mommy in…after the wellness program, his Smiles will comfort you.
    • If he loves food, book a table for Pa-Mom so that they can spend some time together and enjoy life. Mom will help you with the choices.
    • Gift him a trendy watch.
    • There are many hampers available in the market, pick as per his choice and hobby.
    • If he loves reading, gift him with the classics novel or Kindle e- reader.

Assess his likes and then decide what to present which will add smiles with the surprise gift.

  1. Retired Fathers: They need the traditional gifts as per their choice and requirements and they will be the happiest souls to receive gifts from his children who are staying away or with him.
    • Book a holiday package for your parents to the lands of his choice. It will add colors to his life and ask him his wishes and plan accordingly. It is a moment of pride to receive such surprise package from their settled children….It will be his second honeymoon.
    • Present him a Diary and a good Parker pen…at this age, he needs one to write his details of expenditure, wants etc.
    • If he is a tech savvy and yearns for digital, gift him a laptop, IPad or tablet as per his choice.
    • Book a table for a family get together. It will add splendid moments of togetherness in his life. It’s a proud moment for a father to spend time with his children…it will add years to his life.
    • If he has health concerns, book a health package for him.

An adult can easily understand his needs and decide what is suitable for him and how much you can spare on him…my view is that one shouldn’t count materialistic things…count his numerous blessings, who made you what you are today.

  1. Old Fathers: They need love, care and support of his children…they act like children and now you need to father them and take care of his needs.
    • Plan a holiday package to one of the holy places and accompany him on trip.
    • If he is staying far from you, present him an airline ticket so that he visits you and can spend his time with you…it will refresh his mood or vice versa. Drop at his place with his favorite gifts, cakes and flowers.
    • Present Trimmers, Dry fruits Hampers, Warm Wrappers & clothes as per his requirement & age.
    • Book a Health & wellness package to get him thoroughly checked up.
    • If he is staying away from the children, then assess what are his requirements and accordingly present him. They may need the gadgets to be replaced at home…Replace them & give him due Surprise.

I have jotted down from my own perspective, taking care of the Fathers of all age groups and their needs and requirements.

Handmade cards, cakes, chocolates, flowers, perfumes and deodorants are complementary and can be added in the GIFTS FOR FATHERS of all ages.

Hope readers will agree with my views, if not, do leave a comment…will love to amend or append in my article.

Sole Ideas of Ila Varma for the Gifts for Fathers.


By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

10 replies on “Gifts for Fathers #FathersDay #Relationships”

This is a really useful list. And very neatly divided into categories like young, middle aged and retired fathers. I like the vacation idea for the retired one most. It must be an emotional one.

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