
#E for Education in Government Schools – #A to Z CHALLENGE

There was a time when teachers were the respectable gems of
society and were considered next to god but in terms of economy, they got very
little remuneration for the respectable job of teaching the future of nation
and moulding their insight and future.

With time, the chase began to run after money and people
started opting for those jobs which had attractive salary and nobody inspired
to become a teacher, rather people went to teaching profession when they could
not get any offer or there was no way out.
In mid-80’s, few ministers tried to peep into the pathetic
condition of school teachers and professors and revised and enhanced their
pitiable salary and attractive perks were added along and it improved the
status and lifestyle of teachers.

The condition of teachers improved but there was a
remarkable downfall in number of students in government schools. Private
schools mushroomed into the towns and cities and people flocked to private
schools for their kids. Even low income groups people too started sending their
kids to private schools and more and more people avoided government schools.

The height of disappointment is that the even the kids of
government school teachers are studying in private schools and they shell out
good sum for them.

The question hovers in my mind every now and then, why the
teachers are not admitting their kids in their school?

They don’t have faith on government schools.

Why the government is spending lot and lot on schools,
teachers, mid-day meals and other govt. aids when there are few students and
the teachers too are drawing fat salary for time pass and the appointed
teachers are not efficient enough in terms of education and knowledge.

I feel that the government should introspect the whole
system of government schools and rectify the shortcomings and improve the whole
system of education.

Government is spending huge sum in the field of education
but are the fruits been reaped of the seeds sown…No..A big No.

Private schools are multiplying in number and the kids are
been admitted to the private institution. Nobody wish to send their wards in
government schools, even the labour class workers are sending their kids to
private institution and are spending beyond reach.

The views are solely mine and the Takes are my introspection
and observations.

 This post is for A to Z Challenge 2016 and my details are as under.

Ila Varma

Keep Smiling WR, Code 1240

Keep Smiling!!!


By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

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