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Turning Your Parental Skills Into Professional Ones!

Being a parent is, in many ways, being a teacher. You end up being the fountain of knowledge for your children in as many different aspects of life as you can manage. You teach them respect, consideration, not to mention numerous life skills. As a result, you’ve got to develop your learning capabilities alongside them. But what happens when you have taught them everything you need, and it’s now time for them to learn by themselves? You acquired so many skills in life that you can utilise them in a professional sense. So what are these skills you have acquired, and what are your ideal career options?

The Childcare Route

The first and most obvious avenue to go down is providing childcare. The great thing about providing childcare is that you’ve acquired a wide variety of skills. But it’s important to remember that you may have learned a multitude of useful skills over the years, but when it comes to looking after children that aren’t your own, you need to maintain a professional head on things. Many mothers go into childcare because they want to expand their knowledge and put their skills to use. There are many ways you can do this. It’s not just about working in a nursery but it could be about being a child psychologist or counselor. You could even start your own childcare business if you feel you have a methodical mindset. If you have a look at, can see the opportunities to purchase an unused daycare center, as well as find opportunities to become involved in childcare. It is the most obvious route, but it is the stepping stone for many because it is the most logical application of your skills.

Becoming a Teacher or Tutor

Another logical step from being a parent to looking after another set of children is to be a teacher. While there are significant stresses associated with being a teacher, especially due to various targets and demands placed on modern educators, it can help to have experience as a parent because you have life experience. While learning to become a teacher is about getting the qualifications, it’s important to note that you may not become a teacher of young kids of kindergarten age; you may teach high school. But the great thing about being a teacher of older children, especially when yours have flown the nest, is that you have developed a wide variety of coping and communication skills.

Working in Finance

You might not think that it lends itself well but working in finance is, on the face of it, about customer care. Whether you are dealing with customer problems on a daily basis, in charge of HR, or the incomings and outgoings, financial responsibility is one of the cornerstones of being a great parent. Working in finance is also very useful for parents because they are usually set rigid hours. Just because our children are older and they flew the nest doesn’t mean that they will need us any less! And working in finance is one of those things that can give you a great appreciation of how to look after something that is not yours. Ultimately, we raise our children to look after themselves, but there will be times when they get in debt or don’t spend their money properly.


A career choice with numerous options providing therapeutic health, especially to children, is part and parcel of an individual’s caring nature. There are many disorders that require long-term care and becoming a counsellor for a therapist is not just a way to utilise your caring nature, but it’s also a very lucrative career choice. And now due to moving therapy resources online, it is a great way to get that work-life balance. The skills you have acquired as a parent have resulted in solving problems big and small.

The Self-Employed Route

Of course, while you can retrain to go down certain career paths you have to do what is best for your life. While there are a wide variety of career options for any working parent, some of which you can find on, going self-employed can be the best choice because it gives you a wider variety of options. Whether your children have flown the nest or they are firmly at home, being self-employed gives you the freedom to be the best parent you can. The great thing about going self-employed is that you start to automatically use the skills you learn as a parent in the career you have made. When you are starting your own business, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When you are learning how to manage employees or you are looking for a lucrative business idea, this is where your parenting skills come to the fore. You have to learn to manage people and manage their expectations, which is a skill that you subconsciously do as a parent.

You can argue that there are many different options for a parent. The big hurdle is going from being a full-time parent to having a job. When you are looking to earn a living, the importance of utilizing your parental skills cannot be underestimated. You can utilize so many different resources. As a parent, you’ve had to meet deadlines, manage your time, communicate yourself effectively, and solve many problems, not just for your child but for your life. When you start to look at the skills you have learned purely by being a parent, this can translate into so many different careers. And now, as many employers are looking for individuals who have real-life skills as opposed to education, this is where we can make our mark. As being a parent requires the skill of learning on the job and the sheer emotional stresses that come with it, the cliche that many parents go to work to have a break is worth noting. If you are able to deal with the stresses of being a parent, you can pretty much deal with anything!


By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

3 replies on “Turning Your Parental Skills Into Professional Ones!”

Toys play a very important role in growing kids. Toys not only make them happy them but also help them enhance many skills. It is necessary for parents to know how to strengthens a child’s immunity, mental strength, physical growth and improves their motor and social skills. Its better to take kids for outdoor activities once in a while and we should introduce them to new things. These days buying correct toys is important. We must choose toys that help them improve their imagination, creativity, reasoning, logical and creative thinking, and most importantly motor skills.
One of the best toys is Forest Sudoku Game set which is made up of wood and helps in understanding abstract problems and developing reasoning. Such toys are helpful in recognizing patterns and symbols.
The second toy I bought was Magnetic Writing & Drawing Board from Nesta Toys. My son loved playing with it. The toy set includes a Double-sided magnetic writing whiteboard, blackboard, marker, chalks, and eraser that can be placed on the ground without support. It has bright colors, have smooth edges, and made up of wooden material which is safe and allows kids to play wholeheartedly. Do give your kids such toys which enhance their abilities and educate them in proper ways.

Toys play a very important role in growing kids. Toys not only make them happy them but also help them enhance many skills. It is necessary for parents to know how to strengthens a child’s immunity, mental strength, physical growth and improves their motor and social skills. Its better to take kids for outdoor activities once in a while and we should introduce them to new things. These days buying correct toys is important. We must choose toys that help them improve their imagination, creativity, reasoning, logical and creative thinking, and most importantly motor skills.
One of the best toys is Forest Sudoku Game set which is made up of wood and helps in understanding abstract problems and developing reasoning. Such toys are helpful in recognizing patterns and symbols.
The second toy I bought was Magnetic Writing & Drawing Board from Nesta Toys. My son loved playing with it. The toy set includes a Double-sided magnetic writing whiteboard, blackboard, marker, chalks, and eraser that can be placed on the ground without support.

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