Parenting Sibling, Relationships

How to Prepare your Child for a Sibling?

Prepare your child to welcome a sibling with warmth and love.


Parenting has no right or wrong approach. The basic approach of how you want to raise your child is your style of parenting. It is a comprehensive term. Becoming a parent for the first time is a milestone in itself and preparing your first child for a new sibling is another milestone.

Before planning a second baby, we need to prepare our first child. The to-do-list to prepare your first child for a new sibling is must to know. Usually, the parents feel overwhelmed to have a second child but are the feeling same as it was for your first child? You need to consider the feelings of your first child before planning for the second one.

Of course, it is a tough task to prepare your child for a sibling but these tips might help you to sail through.

Tips for preparing your first child for a sibling

  1. Take the opinion of your first child if he wants to have a sibling or not. If he says no then respect his decision and give him some time to understand. Discuss with him about having a sibling, what does it mean or how do they help, love and care for each other.
  2. Instead of saying that, we are going to have a new baby, tell him he is going to have a new sibling. Tell him I have one baby now that is you and now you will have a baby. We all have to take care of the new baby together. He should realize that the new baby is coming for him.
  3. Read to him about siblings bond or sibling stories.
  4. Teach him how to take care of a new born by giving him a doll to play with as a sibling.
  5. Tell him about his birth stories and take a look at his infant pictures together.

Change routine before the new sibling arrives

  1. It is important to change the routine of your first child in advance before the arrival of new baby. He might feel ignored if you will change the routine later. He should not feel that his routine got changed due to the sibling.
  2. Explain to him that you are a grown-up child now and the new baby needs more attention and care. So all of us will take care of him together.
  3. Discuss the appropriate behavior between siblings. Make sure that the elder child does not vent out his frustration out on the new baby.
  4. Appreciate him for his good and mature behavior with his sibling.
  5. Teach him to eat on his own and sleep independently. Change these habits gradually.
  6. Involve your older child in daily chores and make him mommy’s little helper.
  7. Welcome his participation in taking care of his sibling. In this way, he will feel connected to the new baby.
  8. Be emotionally available if your first child seems more demanding as he might have been feeling ignored.
  9. Be flexible during the early weeks of the arrival of the second child.
  10. Have patience and follow positive parenting skills.

Share more tips on how to prepare your first child for a new sibling with us in the comments section below.

Wish you a very Happy Parenting!


By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

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